Starting out as the tale of a young, orphaned ninja-in-training scorned by his entire village, Naruto isn't primarily known for its sweet and wholesome moments. Naruto almost dies in the very first episode, and many of the following arcs aren't forgiving, either. Between villain threats, waring nations, and spending years chasing after Naruto's friend-turned-enemy, much of Naruto is either action-packed or tragic.

Even so, the underlying themes of Naruto teach viewers that giving up is never an option, and anyone can build a better future for themselves, regardless of where they came from or how much they've suffered. From Naruto finally becoming a ninja to receiving the recognition and praise of the entire Leaf Village, there are still quite a few heartwarming moments nestled between all the chaos.

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10 Guy And Kakashi's Last Race Against Each Other

Guy and Kakashi's final race from Naruto Shippuden

Throughout Naruto's entirety, Guy and Kakashi have been rivals, with Guy constantly challenging Kakashi to sparring matches or various silly challenges to see who comes out on top. They're typically tied in points, and before Kakashi officially becomes Hokage, Guy challenges him to one last race.

Lee acts as their referee, and Kakashi just barely manages to beat Guy. Guy offers Kakashi a bouquet of flowers, thanking him for all the time they spent as rivals, and Kakashi responds by saying it's not the last time they'll compete, which moves his rival to tears.

9 Minato Asks To Name His Son After Jiraiya's Protagonist

Minato smiling talking about Naruto to Jiraiya, from Naruto

Jiraiya catches Minato reading his first published book, and Jiraiya puts himself down, saying his writing is childish, and that he could've done better. Minato disagrees with him, saying it's a wonderful story with an inspirational protagonist who never gives up.

Minato adds that he hopes his son will grow up to be just as determined, before asking Jiraiya's permission to name his unborn son after the protagonist in his novel. Jiraiya is taken aback by this, causing Kushina to add that she thinks Naruto is a beautiful name for their future son. Jiraiya then states that if he names him then that makes him Naruto's Godfather.

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8 Lee And The Others Cheer Up A Lonely Naruto

Naruto playing cards with Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Neji and Shino

There's a misunderstanding between Naruto and Sakura in the Road to Ninja prologue episode, with Naruto being mistaken for an underwear thief. With his trip and reputation ruined, Naruto returns home, and is clearly depressed about being all alone.

Lee was there when Naruto was accused, and gets a group together to go to Naruto's house to play cards with him and cheer him up. They all have a great time, and after they leave, Naruto remarks that his usually-empty house doesn't feel as lonely as it usually does.

7 Kakashi Tells Team Seven He's Proud Of Them

Team Seven standing together from Naruto

Kakashi's relationship with the genin of Team Seven is rocky at first. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are all so self-absorbed that they don't take any of Kakashi's lessons to heart, and Kakashi sees them as mere brats who he isn't impressed with.

Their relationship improves thanks to Team Seven working together to pass Kakashi's bell test, and they come a long way by the time Team Seven is about to take on the Chunin Exams. All three are resolved to face whatever challenges lie ahead, and before they enter, Kakashi tells them how proud he is of how far they've come.

6 Iruka Brings Naruto A Birthday Cake

Iruka's homemade birthday cake for Naruto

In the Road To Naruto movie, Naruto gets to spend time in another universe with his parents, who are alive and well. When Naruto's back in reality, it's his birthday, and he pauses in front of his front door for a moment before entering. He's expecting, like every other year, to spend his birthday alone at home.

When Naruto opens his door, though, he finds Iruka waiting for him with a spread of celebratory drinks and a personalized birthday cake. Naruto tears up at the heartfelt gesture, though his tears are quickly wiped away and replaced with a wide, beaming smile.

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5 Sasuke Understands Itachi

Sasuke crying after Itachi's death, Naruto

After learning the truth behind Itachi's actions and motives over the last few years, Sasuke understandably finds it hard to believe. He's originally in denial, up until an equally tear-jerking and heartwarming scene where he's looking out into the sunset.

As he does, Sasuke thinks of everything Madara told him, while reflecting back on his own past about Itachi and all the ways he'd respected and admired his elder brother. Seeing Sasuke break down into tears as he accepts the truth hurts, but it's also a sweet moment where he and Itachi's relationship is finally reconciled.

4 Naruto Finally Becomes A Ninja

Iruka gives Naruto his headband, Naruto

Naruto struggles for a long time before he finally becomes a genin, having failed the exam numerous times. He's leagues behind his classmates in almost every aspect, and spends his time outside the Academy pulling pranks for attention rather than studying, which only worsens his reputation.

After learning the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu and surviving a near-death experience against Mizuki, Iruka finally acknowledges Naruto as a civilian of the Hidden Leaf. He takes off his own headband, tying it around Naruto's forehead, and congratulates him for graduating.

3 Iruka Stands In As Naruto's Father At His Wedding

Iruka tearing up after being asked to attend Naruto's wedding as his father

Naruto grows up without parental figures of his own, only catching glimpses of others' families at the Academy and around the village. He longs to have people in his life who welcome him home, remember his birthday, and be a source of inspiration and comfort.

He ends up getting all of this and more from Iruka, who becomes an irreplaceable father figure in Naruto's life. Their relationship culminates into one beautiful, heartfelt moment where Naruto asks Iruka to attend his wedding as his father, which even moves Iruka to tears.

2 Naruto Finally Meets His Mother

Naruto's mom, Kushina, hugs him in Naruto.

Even though Naruto makes connections and has found family like Iruka, there's a longing that comes from not ever knowing either parent that's not easy to fill. Although it doesn't happen in the best of circumstances, as when Naruto's in danger of being consumed by the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kushina's chakra is activated.

Kushina's chains bind the fox, giving Naruto time to recover, and allowing him to meet with Kushina face-to-face for the first time in his life. She tells him how her and Minato met, and Naruto tells her that even though his life's been hard, he doesn't hold any resentment towards his parents. Kushina thanks him for making her and Minato into parents, and they hug as she fades away.

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1 The Village Celebrates Naruto's Victory Against Pain

The village celebrates Naruto's victory against Pain, Naruto

From birth, Naruto's tried to gain the acknowledgment of his village. He's unfairly scorned because of his connection to the Nine-Tailed Fox, and he doesn't help this by pulling pranks all around town, which only worsens his reputation. Naruto slowly improves his image over time, through feats like defeating Neji in the Chunin Exams and stopping the Konoha Crush.

The feat that ultimately gains Naruto the admiration and love of everyone in the village, though, is his victory against Pain. He's welcomed by a crowd of cheering villagers who raise him up into the sky and sing his praises, and it's clear that Naruto finally feels the acceptance he's searched for throughout his life.