Marvel has done a great job with the What If...? concept. The alternates realities from the comics have resonated, including stories from the Marvel Zombies world. Throw in provocative stories such as What If Spider-Man Had Joined the Fantastic Four? and What If... The Hulk Killed Wolverine?, it's easy to see why the idea has been a hit since it was created in the '70s.

With Star Wars and Lucasfilm now under the Disney banner like Marvel, fans have often wondered what stories could be told in a similar vein. Well, with that in mind, let's dissect how a galaxy far, far away could look with the What If? treatment as well.

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10 What If... Anakin Didn't Murder Dooku?

Split: Darth Vader at the end of a hallway; Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) in Ahsoka

Anakin Skywalker murdering Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith is a turning point. It allowed Emperor Palpatine to exercise more control over him. This built trust and helped Palpatine lure Anakin to the Dark Side as Darth Vader. One has to wonder what would happen had Anakin said no to killing Dooku when he found Palpatine hostage.

This could have led to Dooku outing Palpatine, who tried to coax his death. Or to Dooku and Palpatine trying to work a new plan. Either way, fans would have gotten the Jedi Anakin was always supposed to be. It's been hinted at with the Anakin in Ahsoka, with this direction possibly having Anakin doggedly hunting Palpatine to end the Sith threat and bring balance to the Force.

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9 What If... Luke Skywalker Didn't Try to Kill Ben?

Luke Skywalker wielding lightsaber, Ahsoka Tano, and Young Luke

The sequel trilogy revealed an older Luke who had lost faith and gave into fear with his vision of Ben Solo's power. Him trying to kill the boy resulted in Ben fleeing, joining Snoke and becoming Kylo Ren. What If? could dissect if Luke decided to have a proper conversation with Ben. This could have improved them as Jedi Master and apprentice, allowing Force ghosts like Yoda to help.

With the sacred Jedi text, they'd perfect the Order as Ben wouldn't have killed Luke's other students. It'd change the New Republic completely, giving Leia and Co. a proper Jedi Order to fight the First Order, the Knights of Ren, and stop Palpatine's resurrection. Had they even found Rey, they could have lured her to the Jedi side earlier, rather than let her contemplate her Dark Side.

8 What If... Obi-Wan Lost to Darth Vader?

Obi Wan, Darth Maul, general grievous

The Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series had Obi-Wan fighting and beating Vader, realizing his friend was lost. This tipped dominoes that'd lead to an older Ben Kenobi watching over Luke to kickstart the entire Skywalker saga. A What If? where Obi-Wan lost that fight, however, would be game-changing.

There'd be no A New Hope. Luke would have never been found, which would have positioned Vader better in Palpatine's eyes. Or worse, Vader could have located and co-opted the kid. This would have given Vader an impressionable, powerful Force-wielder to corrupt, allowing him to betray Palpatine. It'd have been Vader's dream, showing fans how evil Luke could have been outside stories such as the Expanded Universe's Dark Empire.

7 What If... Yoda Refused Qui-Gon Jinn?

Grand Master Yoda speaking on the Dark Side in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

When Qui-Gon Jinn brought Anakin to the Jedi council, it felt like Yoda had final say. Imagine a world where Yoda rebuffed Anakin. It may have led to Palpatine finding the boy and honing him as a weapon. Anakin working with Palpatine and Darth Maul, then being sharpened against Maul and Dooku would have been scary.

Seeing as the comics revealed Palpatine was indeed Anakin's 'father,' he could have made Vader more angry, human and powerful. This Vader would have had a totally different outlook with Shmi around, deciding proactive force would be needed to stop slavery and such. The only difference is, he'd be more of a blind war dog than the older, burned Jedi who at least had some sense of identity.

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6 What If... Ahsoka Killed Vader?

Ahsoka Tano dueling with Darth Vader on Malachor in Star Wars Rebels.

In Rebels, Ahsoka fought her former mentor and survived. It was a brutal battle that took a lot out of Vader, but thankfully, Ahsoka had the Morai owl (aka the Daughter that represents Light and Life) to keep watch. But one has to wonder what she'd have become if she killed Anakin.

That grief and trauma could have had her hating the Jedi more. It'd have reframed everything post-Rebels, giving her a journey that may have ended with her embracing the Dark Side that Rey was meant to walk. This could have even turned an Ahsoka in hiding into a figure like Baylan Skoll or Shin Hati. She might have been so desperate, she'd have seen Thrawn as a reset button. It's haunting to think of, but Dark Ahsoka was hinted at in the cartoon, so it'd be totally feasible.

5 What If... Jyn Erso's Team Failed?

Jyn Erso Feature
Jyn Erso in front of the Death Star

Rogue One had Jyn Erso's team stealing the Death Star data from Scarif but dying. This paved the way for A New Hope onwards. Had they been incinerated before the data got out, though, a What If? would have had a more ruthless Empire.

Knowing spies infiltrated, they'd have been more oppressive and emboldened. They'd have pushed to take out the rebels seen earlier in Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi. This may well have unleashed a scary, unified Palpatine and Vader like never before, intent on ending more innocents via genocide with the Death Star.

4 What If... Ben Solo Lived?

Kylo Ren with his lightsaber and Ben Solo

The Rise of Skywalker ended with Rey and a redeemed Ben killing Palpatine. Ben died, though, which paves the way for a What If? over his survival. It'd be intriguing seeing him and Rey using Luke's texts, and ghosts like Luke, Leia, Yoda and such. They could have changed the religion up and shaped the true Gray Jedi.

Fans would have loved to see them adjusting what attachment and love mean. They may have had Jedi kids. It'd have been a really bright, optimistic era that Luke would have been proud of, with possible allies like Grogu, Din Djarin, Bo-Katan's crew, as well as Ahsoka and Sabine to join in this idealistic ending.

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3 What If... Darth Vader Survived Return of the Jedi?

Darth Vader greets Emperor Palpatine aboard the Death Star II in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

When Darth Vader killed Palpatine, it was heartbreaking seeing him reunite with Luke. Fans remained curious how a galaxy would be had he lived. He could have atoned by training Luke and Leia, while helping usher in the new generation. This would include Ahsoka, completing her journey.

This Vader may have tried stop Thrawn's return. An older, robotic Anakin showing compassion and empathy would have resonated with the new Jedi, including the likes of Ezra Bridge, Ben Solo, and if they did find her, Rey. Seeing Vader hunting the Sith Eternal on Exegol and stopping Palpatine with his family does feel like the icing on the cake.

2 What If... The Final Order Won?

Palpatine in front of Peridea

A galaxy where Palpatine killed Ben and took over Rey's body would have been interesting. He'd have a massive fleet upon breaking the Resistance, allowing him to rule in an even more twisted manner. He'd know all the past mistakes, shaping an even crueler regime.

With the old rebels extinguished, the new Imperial movement would have given Palpatine free rein and a chance to really show the power of the Sith. A realm with no Jedi could have been like the time the Sith only had to worry about themselves, creating a period of unfettered magic and science with Palpatine looking to perfect paradise and immortality.

1 What If... Mace Windu Killed Palpatine?

Mace Windu threatening Palpatine with his purple lightsaber in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Had Mace Windu killed Palpatine, fans may have seen a darker, more fascist Jedi order. It'd have changed the entire complexion of the franchise, with Anakin -- had he survived Mace -- possibly going on the run. If Senator Amidala became pregnant, Luke and Leia may have been hunted too, turning them all into antiheroes who'd just want a way back to Coruscant.

It'd be quite the test for an Obi-Wan wondering how extreme his Order's become. It'd evoke Marvel's CivilWar with other Jedi curious if they were doing the right thing. They may well have had their own Order 66, having to kill evil clones and whatnot. It'd surely leave the likes of Yoda pondering morals and ethics regarding what they built and where it's heading.