Danielle Gallotte

About Danielle Gallotte

Danielle has been in love with Star Wars since the age of nine and she has been obsessed with stories since before she can remember. Her B.A. in Humanities allowed her to study literature, film, and the intersection of story-telling methods in college. Now her job as a freelancer allows her to use that knowledge as an excuse to write about her favorite movies, tv shows, books, and more.

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The Key to The Fall of the House of Usher is Hiding in Plain Sight

Clues about the new Netflix show the Fall of the House of Usher may be hidden in the promo trailer, posters and another Edgar Allan Poe short story.

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Ahsoka: Who Defaced the Statue of the Daughter--And Why?

In the Ahsoka season finale, a statue of a Mortis god is partially missing. It was likely destroyed, with dark ramifications for all of Star Wars.

The Nightsister Great Mothers from the Planet Peridea From Star Wars Ahsoka Stand in Front of Green Glowing Magick From The Clone Wars and Rebels 1
What Is the Source of the Nightsisters' Secret Power in Star Wars?

The Nightsisters of Dathomir have a unique style of Force-wielding, and it could be due to their unusual origin in the Star Wars universe.

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Star Wars Ahsoka Could Answer A Key Question About The Force

Star Wars Ahsoka has a chance todescribe how the Jedi and Sith began to use the Force. The answer may be Force-sensitive, non-sentient creatures.