Returning with its second season, Jujutsu Kaisen is already pushing the standards of modern anime with beautiful animation and compelling storytelling. This comes as no surprise as season 1 and the film Jujutsu Kaisen: 0 has been repeatedly praised for pioneering new standards. However, now the anime franchise is conquering a new challenge; reinventing sequel seasons.

Fans are already well aware that season 2 will be primarily focused on Gojo's past with Geto. Trailers tell a full story of their relationship with virtually no hints of the original plot, and creators appear to be treating this part of the story more like the main focus. Rather than the usual side story, it's being given the special treatment of a full season that appears to ignore the main plot entirely. Typically, this could cause confusion or be so avant-garde that it would turn viewers away, but so far Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 is the most popular anime of Summer 2023, with impressive ratings as a boost. In one episode alone, season 2 is shaping up to be nothing short of fantastic and bring eye-opening change to how a franchise tackles its sequels.

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Straying Far From the Expected Format

Yuji Itadori, Satoru Gojo and Megumi Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen

When season 2 was first announced, some fans might have anticipated the continued adventures of Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara as they search for the missing pieces of Sukuna. The anime creators knew that the story would continue with a special focus on Gojo's past instead, so they zeroed in on the backstory, making it the main focus of the second season. What's so different about this change in focus is how absolute it is in leaving out the protagonist's story, but it shouldn't come as a surprise as JJK has done this already.

The acclaimed film, Jujutsu Kaisen: 0 does the same exact thing that season 2 is doing. It ignores the original plot with no reservations and tells an almost separate compact story that will serve a greater purpose later on. It has even led fans to question who the real protagonist of the series is, but make no mistake, Yuji is still at the center of all these stories at the end of the day. This complex change of focus certainly leaves viewers on their toes and expands the world within this franchise, sharing the importance of multiple key characters. In this way, deep character development of the most important characters can be done in an impactful and unique way, leading JJK to be an unforgettable experience to watch.

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For long-time anime fans, it's no secret that anime has been written in such simplistic ways that overemphasize the lead character and takes a ridiculously slow pace in exposition. This is one of the key ways that Jujutsu Kaisen has perfected the shonen model. Even though there are several shonen tropes present in season 1 alone, it's panned out in a way that makes it fresh and engaging. It's also typical for anime to have a slow segway into its continuing seasons. There's the setup that includes a very clear recap of past events, refocuses the main characters, and plays out a gradual introduction of what the next chapter will bring. Season 2 of JJK completely undermines all these typical standards.

As mentioned before, fans knew that season 2 will stray away from the main plot, but episode 1 opens with a riveting scene that has very little to do with Gojo's past. The first characters introduced in this flashback season are Utahime and MeiMei, two of Gojo's classmates. On a mission to defeat a curse haunting a famous mansion, the scene introduces fans to Utahime and MeiMei's personalities while they were young while also showcasing entrancing animation and a thrilling mini adventure. However, this scene proves to have nothing to do with the main plot until Gojo and Geto arrive on the scene. Again, this is yet another jump that pulls viewers far from the main plot, but it works. If the goal of the JJK creators is to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, then full marks for them because this first scene does just that. Part of that is thanks to its stray away from the main focus, leaving viewers with questions that keep them engaged. Another part is that fans are already used to and love how compact JJK's story is.

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Mastering the Art of Compact Storytelling

Yuta wields a Cursed Spirit Sword in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie

Leaving out any embellishments, Jujutsu Kaisen has been known as a very compact series. It unveils its story with faster-than-normal pacing that is still possible to follow so long as the audience is paying attention. As a bonus, this has made the franchise easily one of the best series to rewatch because there are a lot of overlooked details that can be recognized after a second or third watch. In recent years, more anime series have been told with faster pacing, but so far JJK has become the pioneer for this format. Season 1 zeroes in on the most important details, and jumps to the points of its narrative while still managing to carve out time for enough character development and emotion to be wholly compelling. In a similar fashion, Jujutsu Kaisen: 0 takes advantage of its film format to quickly reveal the most important details of Yuta's story and Geto's criminality while balancing action and entertainment.

Thanks to this well-known format of compact storytelling, JJK fans can enjoy an even faster-paced story in season 2. The full narrative of the first episode has even less exposition and setup, aside from the introduction of Gojo and Geto's mission. Details of lore are minuscule compared to the first episode of season 1 because the creators trust the fans to be able to follow at this point. More important than trust though, the creators already did their jobs in setting up clear facts for viewers before season 2 began airing.

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Careful Balance of Exposition and Engagement

Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 1

Though season 1 and the film are quickly paced, that doesn't mean the narrative completely cuts out the essentials of storytelling. With a deeply layered universe, there needs to be some exposition to help viewers follow the rules of curses, cursed energy, and the Jujutsu society, among other details. The most basic universal information is quickly stated in the early half of season 1 and is never repeated again. Gradually, exposition becomes less and less of a feature in episodes. Most character development is shown through actions rather than explanations as the plot becomes more dramatic and villains take critical action against the heroes. While the film has brief moments of exposition, with the excuse that its lead is a newbie like Yuji, it doesn't ever take away from the action.

Long story short, this is why season 2 has a faster pace than the first season and the film. The creators take no time for recaps because they trust the viewers, and with the setup from previous scenes, there is no need for it. It also makes far more sense to jump right into the action given how experienced Gojo and Geto are by the time their story is introduced. It would be very jarring to include basic information for the two top students after all. The only key details that are given a firm explanation are about Master Tengen, why their mission is so important, and that there are opposing factions they will have to face, but this is done in roughly a few minutes. Surely these details will not be explained again, and as the season progresses the pace may go even faster with little to no exposition left to lay down.

While other modern anime series has been almost forgotten by comparison, the JJK fanbase is as strong as ever because of how the anime creators went about the adaptation. There's no talk about how much better the manga is because the anime is so carefully crafted and planned out that few have complaints about the series. The franchise has so far made a new standard for other anime to follow and as season 2 carries on, the creators prove yet again why the show is worth the hype. With an even faster pace that practically throws viewers into the chaos of the plot, Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 shows a new and more thrilling way to continue a series, adding to the anime's deep legacy.