Secrets are present all throughout Marvel Comics. Many superheroes like Spider-Man are desperate to protect their identities from supervillains, and others are even more terrified of their families facing threats. Many characters even develop secret societies meant to either protect or destroy entire sects of the Marvel universe. Whole events, including House of X, Time Runs Out, and Secret Wars, revolve around these secrets.

While many of these Marvel secrets have been unnecessary or colossal mistakes, some secrets proved entirely necessary. They protected lives, kept heroes safe, and even ensured the entire universe remained secure. While no one enjoys being lied to, one can't deny that protecting some of the bigger secrets in Marvel Comics was definitely the right call.

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10 Spider-Man's Identity

Spider-Man beating up Kingpin in Back in Black

Spider-Man's identity has been a carefully kept secret since Peter Parker first put on the mask. Peter has always been deathly afraid of his rogues discovering his identity. That is why he has taken pains to keep his secret safe from his many powerful enemies.

As Peter Parker soon discovered, keeping that secret was essential. After revealing his identity, Peter's life got completely upended. Aunt May was shot, Peter and MJ had to go on the run, and Peter was forced to fist-fight Kingpin in a prison. Back in Black changed Spider-Man forever, solely by proving that Peter wasn't being paranoid. Keeping his secret is the only reason that anyone he loves is alive.

9 Erasing Wanda Maximoff's Memory

Wanda Maximoff hugging her son Billy

There is something uniquely terrible about wiping a mother's memory of her children. Yet, after Wanda Maximoff lost her imaginary children, the Avengers did just that. It was a horrendous secret that stripped the Scarlet Witch of her agency and left her slowly descending into paranoia and terror.

Given what Wanda did after discovering the truth, the Avengers did the right thing. In her desperation, Wanda stripped countless mutants of their powers and even killed her friend and ally, Hawkeye. The Avengers could have done better by supporting Wanda and offering much-needed therapeutic support, but at least wiping her memory delayed some of the consequences.

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8 Hiding Hulkling's Origin

Hulkling holds a sword in space in Marvel Comics

The heir to twin empires that have been at war for a veritable eternity, Hulkling is a unique character in the Marvel universe. While he is often best known for being one of Marvel's LGBTQ+ trailblazers, he is more important because of a childhood secret. His mother kept Hulkling's status as the heir to the Kree and Skrull empires secret from him from the moment of his arrival to Earth.

Hulkling was raised thinking that he was just a mutant, and it led to a fairly lonely existence. Still, it was to his benefit. Having been raised as a human, Hulkling avoided joining the Kree-Skrull War for most of his life. That gave him the unbiased perspective that enabled him to merge the two empires to end the war. It also ensured that he would remain safe throughout his childhood instead of becoming the target of assassination attempts.

7 The Xavier Protocols

The Xavier Protocols being used against the X-Men in Marvel Comics

Mutants — and especially Omega-level mutants — are unbelievably powerful. The X-Men have the power to devastate the world. Jean Grey, alone, is proof of that. Considering how powerful the team is, it takes work to keep the world safe from those who'd misuse their gifts. Just as Batman has plans in place to fight against the Justice League, Professor X developed protocols that could help him kill every member of the X-Men.

While Professor X kept his plans secret, that was in the best interests of the world. The X-Men never needed to know about the Xavier's Protocols. Unfortunately for Xavier, they were discovered in Excalibur #100 (created by Warren Ellis, Casey Jones, Randy Green, Rob Haynes, Tom Simmons, Jason Martin, Rick Ketcham, Rob Haynes, Ariane Lenshoek, Jim Hoston, Malibu Color, Richard Starkings, and Comicraft). Feeling betrayed, the X-Men despised him for it.

6 The Secrets Of Wakanda

The skyline of Birnin T'chaka.

For centuries, Wakanda remained an isolated society. They had developed secret technology that could completely change the world, but they chose not to share it with neighboring societies. Instead, they kept their technological prowess to themselves and protected their people with their military and health developments.

At a time when the rest of Africa was suffering under colonialism, Wakanda retained its independence by ensuring its isolation. By remaining under-the-radar for so many years, they were able to develop the technology that would make them a world power. Wakanda even has magical influence because of its secrecy. If not for their isolation and their many secrets, countless Wakandans would have suffered.

5 Mutant Resurrection

The Five from Marvel Comics, including Hope, Elixir, Egg, Proteus, and Tempus

Life for mutants has never been easy. Countless mutants have been killed over the years, and the civilians in Earth-616 regularly hold massive rallies against mutant existence. That's why the mutants elected to keep the secret of Krakoan resurrection from humanity.

Considering how brutal humanity has been, the X-Men had good reason to want to avoid humanity discovering their secret. It could easily lead to demonstrations against them — or even outright war. The Eternals launched an attack on the X-Men as soon as their resurrection protocols were discovered, justifying the mutants' decision to keep it secret.

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4 The Secret Of Inhuman Existence

Triton, Gorgon, Karnak, Black Bolt, Medusa, and Crystal together

Despite Inhumans being recognized around Earth-616 today, there was a time when Black Bolt and Medusa remained in the dark. They kept their society completely secret, so that they never had to face the struggles of the mutants. It also helped to ensure positive relationships with the humans that they encountered — something that sets Inhumans apart from mutants.

Their secrecy allowed the Inhumans to reveal themselves through good acts, which endeared them to the human population. They made fast allies of the Fantastic Four, and it has ensured that Black Bolt and Medusa keep a steady grip on power. Keeping their society secret allowed them to integrate best, and it prevented enemies from taking hold of the Terrigen Mists.

3 Miles Morales' Secret Alternate Universe Life

Miles Morales Spider-Man issue 11 cover header.

Miles Morales has the power to dismantle Earth-616's perception of itself. Having hailed from Earth-1610, Miles is one of the few people in the world who knows about the way the Ultimate universe merged with Marvel's mainline world. That gives him the power to break many people's understanding of their world.

It's an important piece of Miles Morales' lore that explains why he has never fully fit into Earth-616. His entire family history had to be rewritten just to get him included. By keeping this secret, Miles has prevented the mass panic that would come from people discovering the truth behind Secret Wars. Keeping the secret of Earth-1610's atrocities close to his chest also gives him an advantage in the war against villainy.

2 Moira's Secret Lives

The incarnations of Moira X are seen in Marvel Comics

Moira MacTaggert spent decades working alongside the X-Men as a typical human scientist. She appeared to be a rare ally for the mutants, but secretly, she was actually living a lie. Moira was a mutant with the power to reset the universe to the time of her birth, should she ever die.

While it infuriated Krakoa's Quiet Council, Moira was right to keep her secret. If Orchis discovered her mutant power before it was removed, they could have easily used her against the X-Men before Moira decided to join them. Moira's fight against the AI was a central theme of the Krakoan era, and Professor X and Magneto supported her secret to ensure that they would have more time to fight Nimrod.

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1 Namor's Cabal

A collage of The Cabal, Namor, and Thanos in Marvel Comics

When the Incursions were causing devastation across the multiverse, there was a small team of rebels that worked to keep Earth-616 safe. Unfortunately, their methods were particularly brutal. The Cabal featured a devastating team of Thanos, Namor, Black Swan, Corvus Glaive, Maximus, Proxima Midnight, Terrax, and eventually the Maker.

The Cabal kept their actions secret from the Illuminati to ensure that they couldn't be stopped. It was a clever play, and it bought Doctor Doom enough time to continue his studies of the multiverse. Had Namor revealed the existence of his cabal to the Illuminati, the entire multiverse would have been destroyed when 2015's Secret Wars event rolled arond. Namor's secrets may have tormented him, but it's the only reason that Earth-616 survived.