Rooster Teeth has revealed the official poster for the anticipated ninth season of its anime-inspired animated series RWBY.Illustrated by Erin Winn, the poster features series protagonists Ruby Rose (Lindsay Jones), Weiss Schnee (Kara Eberle), Blake Belladonna (Arryn Zech) and Yang Xiao Long (Barbara Dunkelman) in the trippy, fairy-tale realm seen in the RWBY Volume 9 trailer. Yang can be seen floating away and reaching out to Blake for help, while Weiss' life has quite literally been turned upside down. In the replies the social media post revealing the poster, Winn confirmed that the poster takes inspiration from the work M.C. Escher, particularly the artist's 1947 woodcut Another World II. "I'm so glad people caught on!" Winn wrote, adding that "Escher and many modern/surreal artists were a big influence in the art direction for Volume 9."RELATED: Justice League x RWBY Crossover Debuts First Trailer, Reveals Release Date