Magic: The Gathering's newest expansion set, Wilds of Eldraine, has plenty of what made the original Throne of Eldraine set so flavorful and powerful. Wilds of Eldraine is a fairy tale set with cool gameplay mechanics like Bargain, Adventure, Food tokens, and enchantment Roles, which can help define games of booster draft Limited. Of course, draft players shouldn't forget the core basics of draft along the way.

Booster draft Limited focuses heavily on creatures and board states, and that's where green mana shines most of all. Good creatures and the removal to destroy them are at a premium in draft, so any player going green should focus on that color's traditional strengths while also smartly using green's tricky effects with Bargain, Food, and Adventures for Wilds of Eldraine Limited events.

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10 Agatha's Champion

agatha's champion card in wilds of eldraine

By today's game standards, a 4/4 for five mana is slightly below rate, but it's still passable for Limited in decks with mana ramp. That's a fair minimum for what Agatha's Champion can do, and trample and Bargain make it far stronger to push damage.

Agatha's Champion's fight effect is ideal to either destroy a would-be blocker or take out a small creature with relevant abilities, or dispatch a flier that the green deck can't easily block. In green, players will most often offer Food tokens for Agatha's Champion, but in Golgari decks, 1/1 Rats are fair game, too.

9 Bramble Familiar

bramble familiar card in wilds of eldraine

Bramble Familiar is stronger and even more complicated than it looks, and crafty draft players will truly get the most value from it. This card can bounce itself for various reasons, such as dodging removal effects or casting its mill-based Adventure mode later in the game. This is a rare creature that can enter the battlefield and then use its Adventure mode.

Bramble Familiar's Adventure may be costly, but it's a great -- and repeatable -- way to generate value straight from the library with three different relevant card types. Bramble Familiar should be even better in Golgari decks that feature additional reanimation effects.

8 Elvish Archivist

elvish archivist card in wilds of eldraine

Elvish Archvist's two triggered abilities are optimal for any deck that's build around Bargain and/or Food, and each ability generates serious value. Even conventional draft decks can make use of this Elf creature, such as cards that make Roles, although that may be too slow and sporadic for some players' tastes.

Drawing cards with enchantments keeps the hand fueled, but the +1/+1 counters from artifacts are even better. Just 2-3 triggers, such as from Food tokens, turns Elvish Archivist into a huge beater and makes it far more relevant when both players have impressive board states built up. However, Elvish Archivist has no protection or evasion as a beater, and players would do well to keep this in mind.

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7 Feral Encounter

feral encounter card in wilds of eldraine

Feral Encounter is a cost-efficient way to get a creature from the library's top onto the battlefield, although casting that creature's mana cost and Feral Encounter's own cost means this card is best used in the mid to late game. This card may whiff if the only creature found is a costly beater that can't be cast earlier in the game.

Fortunately, that isn't all Feral Encounter does, since it has a "bite" effect." That effect is excellent in green even if the player doesn't get a creature from the library's top, assuming they have other high-power creatures already ready to bite something.

6 Gruff Triplets

gruff triplets card in wilds of eldraine

Expensive beaters in Limited are often vulnerable to cheap removal spells, but hexproof and indestructible aren't always green's solution for protection. Those effects are rare in draft, so sets like Wilds of Eldraine get creative with cards like Gruff Triplets. As a bonus, making three 3/3 bodies makes it easier for the player to block effectively, as opposed to a single 9/9 blocker.

Gruff Triplets' effect will consolidate all that power if any of the three creatures die, so no power is lost as the three Triplets are lost until the last one dies. This may remind veteran fans of the powerful Modular mechanic from the Mirrodin block, except Gruff Triplets doesn't focus on artifacts.

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5 Royal Treatment

royal treatment card in wilds of eldraine

It's increasingly rare to see new creature cards with hexproof, so players can use cards like Royal Treatment to give their creatures temporary hexproof at the cost of a card. That's actually asking for a lot, since cards are valuable resources, but in the right board state, spells like Royal Treatment can be a real blowout in response to removal.

Royal Treatment works against all hostile effects, from "destroy" to -X/-X to getting bounced to the hand, and it even works against the Cursed enchantment role as well. Royal Treatment isn't entirely a one-off effect since it grants the Royal role, with ward 1 being appreciable protection after the fact and +1/+1 being a fine boost for any trampling threat.

4 Sentinel of Lost Lore

sentinel of lost lore card in wilds of eldraine

Sentinel of Lost Lore's three abilities aren't very powerful individually, but a player can use all of them to maximize value just in case. What's actually most relevant is Sentinel of Lost Lore's good stats as a combat-ready creature on turn three, and its abilities should only be treated as bonuses.

Of those three abilities, the first is best for draft if the player has enough Adventure cards and they don't mind delaying an Adventure creature finally entering the battlefield after two Adventures. In a Golgari deck, some Adventures are removal, such as Virtue of Persistence Gingerbread Hunter, and those are definitely worth casting again via Sentinel of Lost Lore. This card can also disrupt an opposing Adventure creature, but no draft player should count on actually doing that.

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3 Stormkeld Vanguard

stormkeld vanguard card in wilds of eldraine

Both halves of Stormkeld Vanguard are essential for any green/X deck in Wilds of Eldraine booster draft Limited. In other formats, Naturalize is usually sideboard tech, but in this set, the Bear Down Adventure is highly relevant against anything from the Virtue enchantments to Roles, Food Tokens, and soft removal enchantments like Bitter Chill.

Stormkeld Vanguard is equally potent as a creature, with or without its Adventure side. A 6/7 body dodges most toughness-based removal, even a powered-up Candy Grapple, and shutting down 1/X and 2/X blockers is key, too. Some draft archetypes go wide with Rat tokens or the Fairie creature type, which often have low-power creatures in them.

2 The Huntsman's Redemption

the huntsman's revenge card in wilds of eldraine

Saga enchantment cards like The Huntsman's Redemption are great in booster draft Limited because games are typically slow unless a strong aggro deck is involved, giving Sagas time to use all their Chapters. Generating so much value from one card is essential, and all three Chapters of The Huntsman's Redemption are worth the mana cost.

Chapter I is simply a body to potentially fuel Chapter II, though a player might sacrifice a Rat or other tiny creature to tutor for a game-ending threat, which is the optimal move. Notably, Chapter III will whiff unless the player has some good attackers ready to go, so players might wait to play The Huntsman's Redemption until they already have worthwhile attackers or are sure they'll soon get such creatures in time for Chapter III. Chapter I helps, but that alone might not be quite enough on an otherwise empty board.

tough cookie card in wilds of eldraine

Tough Cookie is far more than a green artifact "bear." Its Food token is up-front value for any Bargain effect, most of all in Golgari decks, and Tough Cookie's final ability is a fine response to removal or lethal combat damage. Alternatively, it can be used to get the edge in tight damage races, such as against evasive Fairie decks.

Tough Cookie is even more flexible with the addition of its middle ability, which is useful for not just its own Food token, but any of the cheap artifacts found in Wilds of Eldraine, such as Prophetic Prism, Soul-Guide Lantern, Candy Trail, and Collector's Vault. Those cards are pretty weak in draft alone, but Tough Cookie can make them worthwhile until their self-sacrifice abilities are used.