As the Loki Season 2 premiere approaches, executive producer Kevin Wright explains how the God of Mischief could be a central figure in Avengers: Secret Wars since the character had strong links to the first three phases of the MCU.

"He's become that, and I remember [Michael] Waldron and I would talk a lot about in season one or just kind of acknowledge in season one, so much of the first two, three phases of Marvel storytelling do track back through Loki and the choices he made," Wright told ComicBook. "Even Thanos coming to Earth is a ramification of Loki not doing his job in Avengers." Addressing Loki's potential link to Secret Wars, Wright added, "So all of that plays out, and as we were developing this, we were kind of like, 'Oh, in a broad sense, it would be really cool if the coming phases also ran through Loki and his choices, but in a different, unexpected way.'"

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While the larger MCU doesn't influence the storytelling in Loki Season 2, Wright hopes the cinematic universe will embrace it. "I mean, those are kind of like broad discussions, but we always are focusing in on just what we're doing and try not to get too bogged down by the bigger picture. If we tell our story really well, the rest of the MCU will embrace it," he said. When asked if his response is evidence that Loki will have a significant hand in the events of Secret Wars, Wright noted, "Sylvie has a lot of responsibility in that, by the way, with what she's done with the Multiverse."

The Future of Loki in the larger MCU

Although Loki rejoining the larger MCU remains unconfirmed, Wright expects there to be more stories about the God of Mischief as Loki's first two seasons "were always built to be two chapters of the same book." He also revealed that Season 2 leaves things "open-ended," allowing for a third season of the Disney+ series should Marvel Studios decide to make one. "We certainly did not develop this season going, 'We have to tee up Season 3.' But I also think that where this show goes, there certainly can be many, many, many more stories told with Loki in the Loki world, and in other worlds connected to Loki, the character," Wright continued.

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Loki Season 2 sees the titular God of Mischief displaced in time after his variant, Sylvie, kills He Who Remains. Her actions rupture the Sacred Timeline, enabling Kang the Conqueror and his variants to wreak havoc across the multiverse once more. The Time Variance Authority remains oblivious to the extent of Loki and Sylvie's actions, which essentially threaten the very fabric of the multiverse.

Loki Season 2 premieres on Disney+ on Oct. 5.

Source: ComicBook